Showing Up for You
Every Week
Because learning to live in the magic of well being is a practice and not a one and done experience.
Because we are busy
This is a way for you to take consistent time to become centered and focused on well being with the support of an intuitive coach. Every session is recorded for those weeks you can't make it live.
Showing up for You
This is our group name. This is my commitment to show up for you. But more importantly it represents how important it is for YOU to show up for you. You matter and learning to soothe and support yourself is the magic of well being.
This is for people who want more clarity, rest, choosing, nurturing yourself, play and creativity and loving life.
The details
Every week
30 minute live zoom session
Includes guided meditations on demand
Monthly $22
October Schedule (Arizona time)
10/7 @ 7:00pm
10/14 @ 7:00pm
10/21 @ 7:00pm
10/28 @ 7:00pm